

Born in 1978, Naples

Based in Italy, Naples + Milan

Now (mostly) in Naples

Available for assignment worldwide.

I work at my personal project and on commission.

Photography allows me to fill in the gaps between what is and what was, to discover new worlds by exploring old ones. I focus my attention on locations that have either been abandoned or are otherwise are absent of humanity. Removing all signs of life from the equation gives me the freedom to reflect not only on the settings I photograph, but also on my deep personal responses to those settings and what they represent to me. More than a quest for historical accuracy, my work presents me with opportunities to imagine what might have happened, both within historical contexts and within my own mind.

:: Education

2009-2010 : Master in Photography & Visual Design, NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano

2003-2007 : Degree course in Painting, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli

:: Solo exhibitions

2023 : "Innobiliare Sud Ovest / Visioni insostenibili" - Studio Lombard DCA / BBS Lombard, Milan, Italy - curator Lara Gaeta

2020 : Contemporaneamente | "Innobiliare Sud Ovest / Agenzia del Controspazio" - aA29 Project Room Gallery, Caserta, Italy - curators Lara Gaeta + Ernesto Tedeschi

2020 : "Innobiliare Sud Ovest / L'agenzia che mette in vendita beni pubblici" - Edenlandia Food & Leisure Park, Naples, Italy - curator Diego Mantoan

2019 : “Innobiliare Sud Ovest / Azione-fotografica” - ArtVerona 15 #Back to Italy, Verona, Italy - curator Diego Mantoan

2019 : “Cinnamon Heart: Peepshow” - aA29 Project Room Gallery, Caserta, Italy - curator Diego Mantoan

2019 : "Dissipare le nebbie" - Il Pomo da DaMo Contemporary Art, Imola, Italy - curator Angela Madesani

2018 : "Lieux à la recherche d’un signifié (apparement) perdu" - Agence d'architecture Archi5, Montreuil (Paris), France - curator Chiara Zocchi

2016 : Fotografia Europea 016 | "La città del disincanto" - Casa Museo Pietro Ghizzardi, Boretto (RE), Italy - curators Giovanni Chiaramonte + Giulia Morelli

:: Selected group exhibitions

2023 : "Fotografia alla Carriera. Omaggio della fotografia italiana ai maestri del Compasso d'Oro" - ADI Design Museum, Milan, Italy - curators Giovanni Chiaramonte + Michele Nastasi

2021 : "La bellezza del Sacro. Milano e la Scuola Beato Angelico 1921-2021" - Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy - curator Fondazione Scuola Beato Angelico

2020 : It's gonna be #viral! on @fiveartgallery - curator Rosa Cascone

2019 : Milano Gallery Weekend - aA29 Project Room Gallery, Milan, Italy

2019 : EDRA50 Brooklyn | Sustainable Urban Environments / Sustainable Art Projects Caught on Video - NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Brooklyn, New York City (USA) - curators Diego Mantoan + Lara Gaeta

2018 : Premio Internazionale UVA / Università di Verona per l'Arte - Biblioteca Civica di Verona, Verona, Italy - curator Roberto Pasini

2018 : Getxophoto International Image Festival | "Post Conflict / Reframing a dialogue" - Getxo, Spain (Basque Country) - curator Monica Allende

2018 : "Join the Dots / Unire le Distanze" - Salone degli Incanti / ex Pescheria, Trieste - curator Luciano Benetton

2018 : "Spatium / Le stanze del contemporaneo" - Palazzo Botti, Torre Pallavicina (BG), Italy - curator Angela Madesani

2018 : Photographie et Architecture Triennale #6 | "Paradis infernaux / Enfers paradisiaques" - Espace Architecture (ULB), Bruxelles, Belgium - curator Marc Mawet

2017 : Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo | "Rotte Mediterranee" - Zisa / Spazio ZAC, Palermo - curator Luciano Benetton

2017 : "Dreaming Italia" - Castel dell’Ovo, Naples, Italy

2017 : "Doni - Authors from Campania" - MADRE Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy - curator Chiara Pirozzi

2016 : "Meden agan. Nulla di troppo: assenze e i loro spazi di esercitazione" - PrimoPiano Gallery, Naples, Italy - curator Elvira Buonocore

2015 : "Presente Infinito" - Castel dell’Ovo, Naples, Italy - curator Presente Infinito

2015 : "Presente Infinito" - Casa della Poesia, Urbino, Italy - curator Presente Infinito + Vittorio Sgarbi

2015 : "Presente Infinito" at Savignano Immagini Festival #23 - Fondazione Tito Balestra, Longiano (FC), Italy

2014 : "Presente Infinito" - Palazzo Ziino, Palermo, Italy - curator Sandro Scalia

2013 : "Paleocontemporanea" - Catacombe di S. Gennaro, Naples, Italy - curator Pasquale Ruocco

2013 : Contemporary Art Expo III edition | Marche Centro d’Arte - Pala Riviera, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy - curator Elisa Mori

2010 : Mountain Photo Festival | "Artist in residence" - Cittadella dei Giovani, Aosta, Italy - curators Francesco Zanot + Luca Andreoni

2009 : Fotografica Canon | "Fotografia nella canzone italiana" - Aula Magna Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy - curators Denis Curti + Efrem Raimondi

2007 : "Rendez-vous" - Studio Museo Ettore de Conciliis, Fiano Romano (RM), Italy

2007 : "Dialog-Arti" - Castello Carlo V, Monopoli (BA), Italy

2007 : "Alla scoperta del Vesuvio" - Complesso Vittoriano, Rome, Italy

2006 : "Napoli e il suo vulcano: memorie e documenti" - PAN Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Naples, Italy

:: Permanent exhibitions

2022 : "Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Nuove committenze" - Palazzo Pucci Martinez, Parco delle Madonie, Petralia Sottana, Italy – curators Sandro Scalia + Emilia Valenza

:: Residencies

2021 : Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze, Petralia Sottana (PA) - curators Sandro Scalia + Emilia Valenza

2012 : ARI 1, Academy of Fine Arts and Design University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SLO) - curator Andrea Murnik

2009 : Artist in residence, Cervinia (AO) - curators Francesco Zanot + Luca Andreoni

:: Awards & Grants

2021 : Strategia Fotografia 2020 / Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze - Winner

2018 : UVA INTERNATIONAL ART PRIZE / Università di Verona per l'Arte - Winner

2018 : Getxophoto International Image Festival's first Open Call - Selected

2017 : ULB / Faculté d’Architecture La Cambre Horta - Triennale #6 Photographie et Architecture - Selected

2014 : Photissima Art Fair & Festival / Time Out - Winner

2013 : MCdA / Contemporary Art Expo III edition - Selected

2012 : ARI 1 / Academy of Fine Arts & Design of Ljubljana - Resident Artist in Ljubljana

2010 : Mountain Photo Festival / NABA - Artist in residence - Resident Artist in Aosta

2006 : Porticato Gaetano XVIII edition / "Tommaso Macera" painting award - Winner

2005 : Città della Scienza / "La Bagnoli del futuro" painting award - Winner

:: Talk

2021 : Presentation of the project Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze - Palazzo Sant'Elia, Palermo

2021 : Incontro con i fotografi #2 / Presentation of the project Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze - Aula consiliare del Comune, Petralia Sottana (PA)

2017 : Presentation of the photo book La città del disincanto at MADRE Contemporary Art Museum, with the museum Director Andrea Viliani, the curator Giovanni Chiaramonte, the scenographer Tony Stefanucci and the judge Nicola Graziano - Naples

2017 : 55° Congresso Nazionale UNGDCEC - Naples

2015 : "La soglia dell’evento", with Presente Infinito artists, the art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, the professor Luca Cesari, the photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte and the architect Matteo Cassani Simonetti - Casa della Poesia, Urbino

2015 : Presentation of the project and photo book Presente Infinito at MADRE Contemporary Art Museum, with Presente Infinito artists, the museum Director Andrea Viliani, the photographers Giovanni Chiaramonte and Sandro Scalia - Naples

2014 : Presentation of the photo book Presente Infinito, a public conversation with the authors, the photographers Giovanni Chiaramonte, Carmelo Bongiorno and Carmelo Nicosia, the architects Francesco Maggio, Giuseppe Marsala, Marcello Panzarella and the painter Giovanni Iudice - Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo

2009 : Presentation of the book Prossimamente, with the actor Neri Marcorè e the writers Giorgio Fontana, Federica Manzoni, Laura Sandi and Alberto Urbelli - Vignola (MO)

2009 : "Fotografia nella canzone italiana", with the italian songwriter Gino Pacifico, the curator Denis Curti and the photographer Efrem Raimondi - Aula Magna Feltrinelli, Milan

:: Art fair

2021 : Artefiera PLAYLIST

2019 : ArtVerona 15 #Back to Italy, Verona

2018 : ArtVerona, Verona

2018 : Artefiera, Bologna

2016 : Setup Contemporary Art Fair, Bologna

2015 : NAF Naples Art Fair, Naples

2014 : Photissima Art Fair, Torino

:: Collections, archives

2021 : Museo civico Antonio Collisani, Petralia Sottana (PA) / Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze

2015 : Benetton Collection "IMAGO MUNDI" - Campania

:: Publications

Books :

2023 : Innobiliare Sud Ovest - Speciale Bagnoli, Felici Editore

2015 : La città del disincanto, Rogiosi Editore

2014 : Presente Infinito, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore

2009 : Prossimamente, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore

Paper :

2023 : Fotografia alla Carriera. Omaggio della fotografia italiana ai maestri del Compasso d'Oro, EDIper S.r.l. Editore - catalogue

2023 : AES ARTS+ECONOMICS N. 12 - October - magazine (edited and curated by BBS Lombard Art + Culture)

2022 : The Palgrave Handbook of Digital and Public Humanities, Anne Schwan & Tara Thomson Editors - handbook

2022 : Madonie. Paesaggi 1973/2021 Fondo storico e nuove committenze, Comune di Petralia Sottana - catalogue

2021 : La bellezza del Sacro. Milano e la Scuola Beato Angelico 1921-2021, Arte Cristiana - catalogue

2019 : DOVE / Corriere della Sera N. 2 - February

2018 : Arte Cristiana N. 908 - September/October

2018 : Premio Internazionale UVA, QuiEdit - catalogue

2018 : GETXOPHOTO 2018 / Trantsizioak Transiciones Transitions - catalogue

2018 : Spatium, Scalpendi Editore - catalogue

2018 : ARK 25 / Frontiera - March

2018 : Corriere della Sera / Sette N. 11 - March 15, 2018

2018 : Photographie et Architecture Triennale #6 / Paradis infernaux Enfers paradisiaques - catalogue

2016-2018 : Classico Zoom / L'Espresso napoletano - January 2016 / April 2017

2016 : Doni - Authors from Campania / Imago Mundi Collection, Antiga Edizioni - catalogue

2015 : Napoli Arte Fiera - catalogue

2015 : Artribune #24 - March/April

2014 : SIFEST#23 - laboratorioItalia, Pazzini Editore - catalogue

2014 : FOTOIT N. 10 - October

2014 : Photissima Fair & Festival 2014 - catalogue

2013 : Paleocontemporanea 2013 / Elementi di trascendenza nell’arte dall’antichità al presente, Edizioni Arte'm - catalogue

2013 : Peer to Peer / Marche Centro d’Arte - III edition, Vanilla Edizioni - catalogue

2011 : Il controllo sottile, CSA Editrice - cover book image

2010 : WIRED N. 19 - September

2009 : NOTHING TO SEE HERE #1 - "The Others / Gli Altri" - magazine (edited and curated by Francesco Jodice)

2006 : XVIII Porticato Gaetano, Artistic & Publishing Company - catalogue

2005 : XVII Porticato Gaetano, Artistic & Publishing Company - catalogue

Online :

2021 : Exibart - Italy

2020 : Domus - Italy

2020 : Art For Breakfast - Italy

2020 : NOC Sensei - Italy

2017 : Le Macchine Volanti / TIM - Italy

2017 : ObjectsMag - Italy

2016 : The Towner / MOLESKINE - Italy

2016 : The Mammoth Reflex - Italy

2016 : L’Espresso - Italy

2015 : Artribune - Italy

2015 : Racna Magazine - Italy

2013 : Frattura Scomposta - Italy

Records :

2005 : Mamasan - S/t, Tomato/CNI Records - artwork design

:: Interviews

2021 : Osservatorio Futura - Francesca Disconzi

2018 : RTBF La Première JP - Françoise Baré

2015 : Artribune #24 - Angela Madesani

:: Press

2020 : La Repubblica - October 11, 2020

2020 : Corriere del Mezzogiorno - October 7, 2020

2020 : Il Mattino - October 7, 2020

2020 : Il Riformista - October 2, 2020

2020 : Il Mattino - October 2, 2020

2019 : Il Mattino - July 6, 2019

2018 : Shop & Travel Belgium - January

2018 : Madame / Figaro - March

2018 : RTBF Grand Angle - Françoise Baré about Giovanni Scotti - March

2018 : bx1 - Médias de Bruxelles - March 16, 2018

2018 : La Libre Culture - March 27, 2018

2017 : Il Mattino - October 1, 2017

2017 : Il Resto del Carlino - September 26, 2017

2017 : Il Mattino - February 22, 2017

2017 : Roma - February 16, 2017

2016 : The Daily Mail - UK

2016 : The Telegraph - UK

2016 : La Repubblica - Italy

2016 : Corriere del Mezzogiorno - Italy

2016 : SulPezzo - Italy

2016 : Travel+Leisure - USA

2016 : The Traveler’s Edition - USA

2016 : The Local - UK

2016 : Puls Biznesu - Poland

2016 : Harianriau - Indonesia

2016 : Okezone - Indonesia

2016 : Il Resto del Carlino - April 30, 2016

2015 : La Repubblica - November 7, 2015

2015 : TG Campania Edizione delle 19.30 (11.10.2015)

2015 : Il Mattino - July 14, 2015

2015 : Roma - July 15, 2015

2015 : Corriere del Mezzogiorno - July 11, 2015

2015 : Il Resto del Carlino - May 27, 2015

2015 : Il Mattino - March 19, 2015

2014 : Giornale di Sicilia - June 14, 2014

2014 : Giornale di Sicilia - June 12, 2014

2009 : Gazzetta di Carpi - November

2009 : Il Resto del Carlino - November 28, 2009

2007 : Corriere Nazionale - November 29, 2007

2007 : Il Mattino - November 13, 2007